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SciELO XML to PubMed XML

Program to export XML to PubMed, according to, using SciELO XML (SciELO Publishing Schema).

How to execute

Double clicking on c:\scielo\bin\xml\


Select the issue folder


Only if issue is published on batches, such aop or rolling pass, you should inform from date to generate XML for the article published from this date to the current date.

Then click on OK button.

According to the example, the program will create the file: v:\scielo\serial\rsp\v48n5\PubMed\rsp-v48n5-20160510-20160523.xml, containing articles which have epub date between 20160510 and the current date.


If it is not an issue published on batches, click on OK button. According to the example, the program will create the file: v:\scielo\serial\rsp\v48n5\PubMed\rsp-v48n5.xml.


Or execute it on a terminal:


Optionally informing the from date
